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The secret to online wealth is really no secret at all if you use the right formula. If you use the techniques of those already making money online it’s really quite simple. But before I reveal the secret to online wealth let me first ask you a question... Do you yearn to do what you want to do in life? Imagine no longer needing to penny pinch to buy that new sofa you've always wanted, or having to save months or years for that dream vacation? Imagine taking that dream vacation whenever and however many times you'd like. Perhaps it's not a dream vacation you want. Perhaps you'd like to visit a loved one or a friend but don't have the money to do it. This is the sad reality for many people. I'm sure you've heard it before. Start a website and you'll enter the world of online wealth like many other satisfied online entrepreneurs. It sounds too good to be true but if you do your due diligence, online wealth is not very far away. - Charo Santiago (The Site Owner)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

eToro Snags a World Finance Award for Most Innovative Trading Platform 2010 ~ Affiliate Warriors

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Multi Profit Websites - The TRUTH! ~ Affiliate Warriors

Monday, November 8, 2010

eToro Partners – Make the Most From Your Traffic!

eToro Partners is your chance to become an affiliate of the ground breaking eToro forex trading platform. Since eToro is a unique product, it requires a unique forex affiliate program to go with it.

At eToro Partners - innovation is key. We don’t try to keep up with the competition; we create inventive ways to overtake it. This is manifested
in our company-client relations with our affiliates, in the tools we put at our affiliates’ disposal, and in our commitment to keep developing both our facilities and our partnerships.

At eToro Partners affiliates enjoy:

o Lucrative reward plans including up to $200 CPA and 25%
o 2nd tier commissions of 20% for all your sub affiliates
o Easy and punctual payments
o Personal account managers
o Helpful performance analysis tools that enable you to
optimize your promotions
o A huge and constantly replenished resource of creative
marketing tools including marketing tools for recruiting
o Promotional materials in over 12 languages

Click here to join eToro Partners.

About eToro

The eToro platform started a revolution in the forex trading industry by opening the gates of the forex market to non professional traders. With eToro’s patent trade visualizations, novice traders who have never heard of the forex market before can start trading right away and learn from their experience.

eToro’s user friendly interfaces also makes the platform highly appealing to expert traders, who can use state of the art professional forex tools incorporated into an intuitive user flow, so they can concentrate on what’s happening in the market instead of figuring out how the platform works.

eToro has also added a community element to forex trading by furbishing the platform with chats, forums, and an insight into how the top traders trade. These features also make it easier for novice traders to learn the tricks of the trade and become integrated into a forex trading community.
This innovative approach to forex trading has quickly propelled eToro to be the number one forex trading platform online, and to supply eToro affiliates with unbeatable conversion rates.

Click here to join eToro Partners now!

Click here to join as eToro Trader now!

Affiliate Income Secrets

Before diving into the secrets of making affiliate income, first it’s best to define what an affiliate program is.

An affiliate program is simply a program that allows other website owners to earn a commission from a sale of another website owners product simply by placing a linking code on their website. If a visitor clicks on that link and makes a purchase, than the affiliate makes a sale but also the person promoting that affiliates product will make a commission from that sale simply by referring that visitor to that particular link. It’s a clean and easy way to add some extra income to your website. But best of all, making money online through affiliate programs is simple and fun.

There are tons of marketing strategies to improve your income through the promotion of various affiliate programs, however it’s best to test out various methods before you settle on a single one.

One of the best methods of promoting an affiliates product is through an opt-in page also known as a newsletter sign-up page or name squeeze page. Whatever name you choose to refer to it as, the main purpose is to gather the name of your visitor so that you can later follow-up with them. The page of this opt-in or name squeeze site provides key information about what they are going to get by signing up.

The key to an effectively written page that draws in sign-ups are those that include the following:

An Attention-grabbing Headline: This will tell the visitor what you’re going to do for them and how you plan to solve their problem or how you plan to teach them how to do a certain task.

Bullet Points: Tell them what it is that they will get by signing up.

Simple Sign-up Box: This is the box where they can enter their name and email address. Ensure you place an anti-spam notice here ensuring them that you will not sell or rent their name to a third-party provider, nor will you send them junk mail. This clears up any scepticism they might have.

Another great way to promote an affiliate’s product is by writing a review of their product.

But don’t write a bunch of reviews on the same page. Consider writing your review as a single paged website that is promoting the product you are selling through that review. The advantage to creating a singe-page website review is that you can get highly targeted traffic and present that traffic with the exact information they are looking for. Your website visitors will be focused on that single page. They won’t be distracted by other links and information. This focused strategy will make them more opt to buy the product that you have reviewed.

You could also consider offering a bonus if they purchase through your link. But don’t make it too obvious that you’re trying to get the sale. Be natural in your speech. But best of all, make sure you try the product first before writing your review. This ensures that your review sounds believable, honest and genuine – adding that extra bit of trust that your visitor needs to make their purchase.